Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Beginnings

Despite not having ANY of the required documents to enroll, my children started school here in Georgia, 2,795 miles from where we lived only a week ago. (The required shot records are still processing at the health department, and all of the other identifying documents are in our moving pods... which won't be delivered until our house closes... which was supposed to happen Dec. 30th... which didn't... but which should happen by the end of January.)

School supplies in hand (in grocery bags), the kids took a tour with us parents, looking over the library, the lunchroom (which also serves breakfast), the music room, and their own classrooms. Each child went happily into a new room, with a new smily teacher, a new group of students, a new chance to make friends and do fun things and otherwise not be bored.

The hubby seemed pretty impressed with the kids this morning, and so was I. But I couldn't talk about it as we walked out the door without them. He kept asking me what I was thinking, but each time I opened my mouth my eyes teared up. What if they weren't okay? What if someone was mean to them? What if they were unhappy?

Then again, plenty of kids had been mean at their last school. And I can count a large number of times they came home unhappy, or disappointed, or hurt. But they went back the next morning, as cheery and hopeful as if they'd won the lottery, and school was a big treat.

Today was no exception. Today they had the treat of getting to go to school. So they smiled, hopped up and down, and even did a little happy dance in the hotel on the way to the car.

Amazing how a little optimism can brighten a day, and though I'm still feeling a bit choky, their smiles comforted me as the hours past.

Now if I could just get over my own motherliness... and perhaps approach the day with the same optimism?


  1. It's really tough moving never mind dealing with changing schools. I hope they settle in well and tell you how much they love it.

  2. Worrying about your kids will never go away… a new environment is always scary, but it can be a welcome relief.

    I’m sure with your wonderful guidance, all will work out.

  3. Kids are so resilient.

    When you're older, it's harder to bounce back so easily.

  4. Kangaroobee, moving is tough. However, I know we'll settle in. The kids came home as happy as when they went to school, so I believe all will be well.

    Jeff, you are too right. I'll quit worrying about my kids when I'm dead... unless I continue to worry about them after I'm dead, too, which I could see happening...

    Stephanie, I think you are onto something. Perhaps I need to be resilient like my kids, adaptable, open to new things. Then again, perhaps I am, but I'm more scared for them than I need to be. I need to trust that they will be all right, just as I already know that I will be all right. They are made of the same stuff I am, after all.

  5. You could (although I doubt you would) teach your kids never to start a fight but to always never be afraid to finish one. That's the D way.

    But you get settled, they will always take their cue from you and how you feel---until they become teenagers. Then you will adapt or have your brain eaten by zombies that used to be your kids.
